There are 6000 mostly smallholder potato producers, cultivating 2,500 hectares in the western region of the country, and generating some 15,000 permanent jobs. Most of them belong to the Lenca and Chortí ethnic groups. Annual national production is about 40,000 tonnes which largely meets domestic demand. The country’s main challenge was identifi ed as the lack of a domestic seed potato supply system. This niche aims to increase the average income of potato producers in Intibuca and La Paz, by adapting the crop production to climate change and plagues, as well as developing a fi nancial strategy between producers and fi nancial support.
Increasing the average income of potato producers by adapting the crop production to climate change and plagues (such as the “paratrioza”, Bactericera cockerelli); improving producers organizations on negotiation skills, best practices application, added value process and commercialization channels.
Intibuca and La Paz
National Innovation Facilitator
Héctor Garcia, Arlis Zepeda
Discover Héctor’s profile here and Arlis’ profile here!