Draft Program
Day 1: 13 May 2019 – Sharing
Session 1: Why innovation and capacities to innovate? (setting the scene)
09:00 Welcome and opening remarks (Agrinatura, EC, FAO)
09:20 Design and objectives of the forum (CDAIS Coordination)
09:30 Varying perspectives from actors of value chain, experts and investors: A glimpse of reality, risks and challenges in our food systems and the importance of innovation (value chain actors from Africa/ Central America, AECF, CIRAD, iDE).
10:20 | Quick Break
Session 2: What does CDAIS offer? (plenary session)
10:40 2.1. Ideas and concept: An introduction to the common framework on capacities to develop agricultural innovation systems (TAP Chair and Global Experts)
11:20 2.2. Evidence of change: actors of changes hare their own experiences (Niche Actors)
12:00 2.3. Implementation realities: Resources and processes used in the eight pilot countries (CDAIS Team)
13:00 | Lunch break: Book Launch and Innovation Fair – presentation of country experiences
Session 3: What kind of capacities and how to strengthen these capacities to innovate as experienced by CDAIS and other initiatives?
15:00 Parallel sessions on:
- Ideas and concepts.
Objective: to gain deeper understanding of the ideas and concepts behind the Common Framework, other uses of the same ideas, different understanding based on contexts and experiences ….
World café discussions on: Innovation, Functional Capacities, Dual pathways, Stages of capacity development interventions and Monitoring, evaluation and learning
- Implementation realities
Objective: to conduct a reality check on implementation of complexity in diverse contexts
Interactive reflection and learning on how to implement projects on strengthening capacities to innovate. The session will discuss about the required resources (people, time, finance) and processes used (coaching, mentoring, tools) not just in CDAIS but on similar initiatives.
- Evidence of Change
Objective: to share how to track changes to adjust support and listen to actors about the changes experienced and seen in CDAIS and other similar initiatives.
Conversations among actors to share the changes experienced and observed as well as the approach used to track these changes.
17:45 | End of Day 1
18:00 – 20:00 – SIDE-EVENT: AIS assessment guidelines _ fit for purpose_Gembloux 13 May 2019
Day 2: 14 May 2019 – Shaping
Session 4: What are the key lessons learnt from Day 1? (plenary session)
09:00 Presentation of key lessons learnt from the parallel sessions(Facilitators and working group leaders of the 3 parallel sessions)
Session 5: How do we consolidate the lessons learnt to move forward?
09:30 Parallel sessions on:
- 5.1.Dynamic concepts
Objective: Identify the key elements of the framework and how to adjust to better fit a wider range of realities.
- 5.2.Flexible Resources
Objective: Identify critical elements (i.e. people, approaches, institutions, finance) to ensure impact and sustainability.
- 5.3.Active drivers
Objective: Identify ownership and accountability within the Common Framework
11:00 | Quick Break
11:30 General recommendations from the parallel sessions (Chair and facilitators of the parallel sessions)
Session 6: How do we influence actions and track commitments? (plenary)
12:15 6.1. Adopting the Common Framework and Approaches at the global and regional level (APAARI, AFAAS, FARA, FORAGRO, GFRAS)
13:00 | Lunch break: Innovation Fair – presentation of country experiences
14:30 6.2. Nudging policy makers towards the use of Common Framework and Approaches (Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Honduras, and Laos)
15:15 6.3. Integrating the Common Framework and Approaches in investment strategies (EC , NUFFIC, USAID, GPARD)
16:00 | Quick Break
Session 7: Plenary session: Summary and conclusion
16:30 Summary (Agrinatura)
17:00 Closing (FAO, EC)
17:30 End of Forum (Campus visit)
19:00 | Project closing cocktail-dinner