A very important step towards innovative farming is the capacity of building large associations, in order to fit with market requirements and partnerships. Like in the above example, in the organic vegetable sector, this first important has been set by some smallholders famers groups in Vientiane area. The Organic Vegetable Association of Vientiane Capital brings together 11 farmers groups from 6 districts. Thy set a quality frame for organic vegetable farming, and are supported to sell their products to some organic markets in Vientiane. Like for the rice association in Savannakhet, a better quality process (especially technical monitoring) and marketing strategies are needed to make new progresses.. Like in the Savannakhet rice innovation partnership, the two issues rely on functional capacities progresses at two different levels: into each farmer group (especially for the technical quality process) and at the association level (to set better loan partnerships, to better organize collect of production, for better markets…).
The main identified needs are to improve quality control and especially technical monitoring and marketing strategies within each farmer group. At the national level, efforts are aimed at establishing loan facilities, improving transport and market access.
Developing organic vegetables value chain
Vientiane Prefecture province, Xaythani district, Thong Mang village