Strengthening value chain and commercialisation of poultry
Traditionally poultry is a part of mixed farming systems in Bangladesh. It is the number one source of income of very poor landless female-headed families. Over the last few decades’ the poultry sector has grown rapidly. Currently there are now some 75,000 poultry producers and the industry supplies much of the national demand for eggs. Most of the industries are situated in Dhaka, Gazipur and Rajshahi districts. As Kapasia upazila of Gazipur district is considered a hub of poultry production for long time, it was selected for the poultry niche. At present Kapasia upazila produces a surplus in both meat and egg production.
Previously FAO and other donors helped this sector to flourish and worked with Department of Livestock Services (DLS), poultry farms, feed industries, BLRI, traders, Bangladesh Poultry Industries Coordination Committee as and when needed for food safety, bio-security, logical dose of antibiotics, use of healthy feed etc. along with creation of producers’ awareness. All procedural issues are deemed to be environment friendly and sustainable poultry production. Activities of this niche is aligned with National Poultry Developmet Policy 2008.