Staff involved in the project at the HQ level:
- Karin Nichterlein, FAO Research and Extension Unit, Agricultural Research Officer, , LTO
- Abdoulaye Saley Moussa, FAO Research and Extension Unit, Agricultural Research Officer, alternate LTO
- Chief, Research and Extension Unit, Budget Holder
- Christian Grovermann, FAO Research and Extension Unit, Associate Agricultural Officer
- Ilka Gomes, FAO Research and Extension Unit, Operations Assistant
- Maarten Roest, FAO Research and Extension Unit, Communication Officer
- Manuella Bucciarrelli, Project Management Consultant
FAO Lead Technical Officer/and Alternate
- Provides technical support and advice, leadership and ensure project coordination of all FAO-led activities at global and country levels through FAO country offices;
- Lead selection for and supervise international and national consultants for global activities, keeps close relationships with TAP Steering Committee, and TAP partners through meetings of their Bodies and individually;
- Leads the organizations of meetings of the global meetings in collaboration with TAP partners;
- Develops and maintains TAP relationships with regional partners and provide technical responsibility for contracting them;
- Technically guides and clears deliverables of national and international recruited by FAO under the project.
- Ensure implementation and monitoring of project activities and the timely and quality delivery of project outputs under the overall responsibility of FAO;
- Organize and convene regulars meetings with FAO country offices to ensure coordinated and harmonized implementation of project activities at country level, and across countries for FAO led activities;
- Work closely with the Project Coordinator for the timely delivery of project results and efficient use of project resources;
- Member of the Project Management Team and participates in all project meetings either face-to-face or virtually;
- Supports the finalization of the project work plans;
- Communicates with the project coordinator any relevant information from the FAO regional and country offices in particular information that would ensure effective and efficient project implementation;
- Communicates regularly with the AGRINATURA task teams any relevant TAP related information and decisions in particular advises how to assure smooth communication between the TAP bodies and the Project AGRINATURA Task Team;
- Ensures coherent project implementation between FAO and AGRINATURA-EEIG and assists in the identification of priority topics;
- Organizes implementation of inception workshops, market places and policy dialogues in close collaboration with decentralized FAO offices in the pilot countries;
- Assist with the selection of national experts and partners.
Project Management Consultants (recruited with daily rates) supporting FAO-led activities of the project
- Provide advice and direct technical, policy and managerial support to the National Project Coordinators and Project Managers in the eight pilot countries in all tasks relating to the successful implementation of the project at country level;
- Link – in collaboration with the FAORs – the project activities to policy matters in the pilot countries and promote integration;
- Support the conceptual design of policy dialogue and marketplaces at country, regional and global level;
- Promote coordination and active participation among TAP Partners;
- Advocate for TAP products and services, in particular the Common Framework on Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural innovation Systems (AIS) in collaboration with TAP Chair and TAP Secretariat;
- Support the preparation of the annual technical work plans for the project and assure that all proposed activities are well-coordinated and presented in a timely manner to the Project Oversight Committee (POC). The work plan will be based upon work estimates and will detail the anticipated activities to be implemented over the next 12 months and their relationship to the activities specified in the project documents;
- Ensure the preparation of annual technical progress reports for FAO led activities and clearance by LTO which will be submitted to the POC for their review, describing activities undertaken over the previous year and their relationship with the current annual work plan;
- Ensure that corresponding financial budgets are produced which detail the expenditures and costs associated with the proposed technical activities and that the financial budgets are presented to the POC;
- On the basis of approved annual work plans and budgets, and in collaboration with relevant staff, prepare and submit requests for the contracting of short term consultants, Letters of Agreements, etc. and for the procurement of required items and supplies or ensure that appropriate specifications or terms of reference are prepared, either directly or by the relevant project staff and their counterparts, for this purpose;
- Ensure adequate and timely logistical support, supervision and monitoring for all project activities and for all short term contracted consultants, trainers and similar personnel;
- Support FAO Lead Technical Unit (LTU) to ensure project activities are of satisfactory technical performance and that FAO technical expertise is sufficiently integrated into project activities, and especially, ensure effective communication with the FAORs regarding policy, administrative and financial matters;
- Regularly meet with relevant technical staff engaged in project activities and ensure that, as far as possible, any difficulties in accomplishing project work plans are dealt with;
- Perform other related tasks as required or assigned by the LTU related to the project.