The first round of reflection and refinement workshops was successfully completed in the three Rwandan innovation partnerships between 3rd and 11th September 2018. Each was followed with internal R&R meetings as the national team also reflected on the workshops and on their own facilitation, and refined how to improved data collection for the monitoring, evaluation and learning work now being implemented.

They were also joined by CDAIS MEL coordinator Renaud Guillonnet and CDAIS Communications Developer Nick Pasiecznik. Renaud’s mission was to reinforce the team’s capacity for capturing the required data into MEL system, and Nick who took the opportunity of shadowing the team to build capacities for the preparation of Stories of Change.

Some of the team’s own reflections included how they realised they got better information if they allowed individuals to change their own written interventions after the group had discussed the issue in question. And they also learned how to better capture quotes, and how to organize and analyse the information they collected to feed the MEL. “We have now mastered the approach” said Gilbert Kayitare. “But the best change was improved due to the teamwork and how we better complemented each other which helped to draw out deeper reflections and refinement.”