The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) and the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) are pleased to invite you to the webinar in French:
Partager les connaissances sur le renforcement des capacités pour l’innovation agricole à travers TAPipedia
(Sharing Knowledge on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation through TAPipedia)
Date: Tuesday, 10 July 2018 Time: 11:30 AM Rome time (GMT +2) Duration: 1.5 hours
The webinar aims to raise awareness among the francophone community of the role of TAPipedia in disseminating innovative and systemic approaches for capacity development.
In this webinar TAPipedia’s main features will be presented, focusing particularly on the interactive section on the TAP Common Framework, which is currently being tested in eight countries of the CDAIS project, and other key resources developed under TAP and the CDAIS project. In addition, experiences from the CDAIS project regarding the use and relevance of TAPipedia will be shared.
Webinar agenda:
- Brief introduction to TAPipedia within the context of TAP, by TAP Secretariat – 15 min (powerpoint and shared screen)
- Presentation of the interactive section of TAPipedia, including presentation of TAP factsheets and tools, by Abdoulaye Saley Moussa, TAP Secretariat – 20 min (Shared screen)
- Sharing experience on TAPipedia, by CDAIS Burkina Faso and Rwanda– 10 min
- Sharing experiences on TAPipedia by FARA – 10 min
- Questions and answers (30 minutes)
- Closing remarks (5 min)
Host: GFAR; Moderator: Adama Traoré
REGISTER HERE https://goo.gl/forms/guKLLMZoaGjriGaT2 and feel free to forward this invitation!
Link to the announcement on GFAR’s website: https://blog.gfar.net/2018/07/05/gfar-tap-fara-webinar-in-french-language-sharing-knowledge-on-capacity-development-for-agricultural-innovation-through-tapipedia