Hello, who are you?
I am Khamla ‘Pern’ Sengphaxaiyalath, researcher in the Economics and Rural Development Center, NAFRI since 2005. My main responsibility is to carry out research relevant to economics and development, market research, agriculture and forestry policy, and other research related to agriculture development strategies from the Lao government.
What are your role and responsibilities as National Innovation Facilitator?
I have been member of CDAIS as as national innovation facilitator in the Pig fattening niche in Dongkha village, Xanakham district, Vientiane province. My main task is to help actors in the pig niche improve their production by increasing their capacities to collaborate with relevant stakeholders, to seek technical experts for related topics regarding the development of their technical skills, analysis of costs of production, and so they can access financial support by themselves.
What has CDAIS changed for you?
The CDAIS project is very interesting, and is challenging my capacity because the project uses a totally new approach for development by changing the way of supporting niches, unlike ‘usual’ projects, by considering the capacity development of farmers through using tools for data collection and diagnostic, and identifying concrete problems through simulation game playing, pushing farmers to speak out, and for them to share ideas to have better solutions for overcoming issue within the niche. These tools and working process have helped me increase my facilitation skills. The changes in myself since becoming a CDAIS NIF include having better knowledge on development and skills regarding to new research, and from learning processes used while implementing CDAIS activities that have enabled me to be more confident on national and international stages. I have a better idea of developing work plans, and in empowering niche partners to work together in order to achieve what they need to progress their activities. The capacity of the niche has increased as stakeholders have identified problems and analytical approach by discussion among themselves before picking priorities, and they now think together to find the best solution for each problem. Most impressive is that I have much better facilitation skills now to facilitate farmers to express what they think and share with other members, and to work with them so they have creative group discussion on finding solutions.