Population 12.661.733
Country area 26.338 km²
Agricultural land 74.5 %
GDP per capita 1.400 USD
Les données dynamiques comparent les situations des différents pays pilotes 


L’agriculture est l’épine dorsale de la vie économique du Rwanda, avec 80% de la population active.

Bien que la production agricole ait beaucoup augmenté, de nombreuses pratiques agricoles demeurent à un niveau basique. La majorité des agriculteurs continuent d’utiliser des méthodes traditionnelles.

Dernières nouvelles

RWANDA: Histoire du changement

“CDAIS has helped me understand better the challenges in the milk value chain, from farmer to final consumer.” In November 2016, a CDAIS capacity needs assessment of a community milk processing centre started a process that has seen clear changes in less than a year. The Burera dairy was selected as one of the country’s

Innovation for agricultural transformation in Rwanda

The need to improve the capacity to innovate in the agricultural sector was the overarching conclusion when representatives from 21 organizations met in Kigali, Rwanda, on 10-11 November 2015. The national inception workshop of ‘Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems’ (CDAIS) global partnership also marked the launch of the programme in Rwanda. The 35 participants